Professional, Tailored, Therapy
Therapy Services South West C.I.C, designed and tailored for you

All About Me programme
A framework to present ADHD safely to different children, with minimal risks of negative outcomes. The whole process could present a child’s ADHD to them in a positive, matter of fact, calm and reassuring manner, as being a part of who they are as a person.
Explaining ADHD in the context of a child’s personal attributes makes allowances for different ways of thinking. This approach to explaining ADHD in the context of what a child can do well and the things that they find out more challenging seemingly makes it much more literal and tangible to an individual than any description that aims to explain the abstract formal diagnostic criteria.
AIMS Service
ADHD, information, mentoring and support
A low intensity approach around issues relating to people’s ADHD. Our support focuses on post diagnostic and social skills that covers issues people may experience on a daily basis.
Some of our support is free to access. Some customers are asked to contribute to support - please contact us for more details.
What we do:
Help develop coping strategies
Signpost to ADHD friendly support
Act as a sounding board for issues
Guidance to mainstream services on how they can support people who are ADHDer
Group, on line and face to face support